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"Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." 
                                                                 Walter Savage Landor 

Welcome to the SPP College Library

a photo of the library

         The Library of Swahid Peoli Phukan College is in the first floor of the administrative building with a collection of over 26000 (twenty six thousand) copies of text and reference books. The library collection is mostly dominated by the subjects that the college is offering academic courses i.e. Assamese, English, Economics, History, Political Science, Education, Sociology, Geography, Mathematics, Zoology, Geology, Physics, and Chemistry. The library is also encouraging and strengthening the departments to develop and maintain departmental libraries where useful reference books are available for consultation.

         The library structure is consisting of Acquisition Section, reading room, periodical and reference section, circulation desk, Librarian’s room, processing desk (for the staff), property counter, Newspaper reading and OPAC section. Reading room is consisting of a computer section of 5 computers and 80 reading capacity.
     The library is practicing open access system and well equipped with ‘KOHA-Integrated Library Management Software’ in cloud environment. Students are allowed to use OPAC system to search the location of library resources. Users can check the availability of their required documents through their smart devices from the outside of the library or college campus also.

          The potential users of the library are basically the students, teachers and non teaching staff of the college. However the library is also providing information service to outsiders if they apply for in their academic needs.

Facility and Services

Cup of tea anyone?   Cup of tea anyone?     Cup of tea anyone?     Cup of tea anyone?     Cup of tea anyone?         Cup of tea anyone?     Cup of tea anyone?         Cup of tea anyone?    Cup of tea anyone?        Cup of tea anyone?
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Some new journals are subscribed and available in the reference and periodical section. Users are requested to avail the same in the Parul Devi Das reading room. Latest arrived journals are- i. Annals of the National Association of Geographers India ii. Journal of Arts iii. Current Science iv. Journal of Indian History and Culture


Ask us questions by email. We will reply within 24 hours, except on weekends and holidays. We are happy to find or recommend books, Journal articles that you will enjoy reading for your academics. Please note that your questions and our answers may be made public to assist other users for better understanding of this service. However personal information will not be disclosed by us. We solicit your feedback/question.

Send us your query at  librarysppc@gmail.com.


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